GNDEM, avec ses 251 organisations membres dans 89 pays et territoires et membres du réseau régional en Afrique, Asie, Europe et Eurasie, Amérique latine et Caraïbes et le Moyen-Orient / Afrique du Nord, ont travaillés pour faciliter et améliorer le travail crucial des contrôleurs d'élections citoyens dans le monde entier.

GNDEM Expresses its Solidarity with Detained Observers in Azerbaijan

GNDEM expresses its deep concern with the detainment of citizen election observers from the Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center (EMDS) in Azerbaijan. GNDEM stands in solidarity with EMDS and all nonpartisan civic actors who face threats to their security for safeguarding the electoral process, ensuring transparency and accountability, and defending the right of citizens to exercise their vote. GNDEM condemns all forms of threats, harassment and violence against nonpartisan citizen election observers. Continue Reading

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