GNDEM Expresses its Solidarity with Citizen Observers Targeted by Russian-Style Foreign Influence Law
GNDEM expresses its deep concern with efforts to undermine the right of citizens to monitor their own election processes, both through the Georgian Parliament’s consideration of the Russian-style foreign influence law and the constant verbal attacks by government officials on citizen observers and the ongoing harassment of civic leaders more broadly. Continue Reading
ISFED Strives to Safeguard Information Environment on Facebook Ahead of Elections in Georgia

The manipulation of the information environment has been a powerful tool for undermining democratic principles and electoral integrity around the world. Disinformation in the electoral environment undermines key democratic principles such as a competitive process, public confidence in the electoral institutions, and informed participation. In Georgia, the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) has been monitoring disinformation and coordinated inauthentic behavior on social media in the lead up to the October 2020 parliamentary elections and in between the electoral cycle. Continue Reading
ISFED Monitors Social Media Around 2018 Presidential Election

Given emerging issues and concerns in Georgia, ISFED used the 2018 presidential election to pilot a new initiative - monitoring social media during the pre-election period. Continue Reading
GNDEM Members Shared Best Practices, Experiences in the Balkans and Eurasia

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