Tag: COVID-19
PACE Myanmar Observes the 2020 Myanmar General Elections

Myanmar’s November 8, 2020 general elections, the second conducted since the military relinquished absolute power in 2011, were a significant milestone. They followed the 2015 elections, which resulted in the National League for Democracy, led by Aung San Suu Kyi, forming the first government in decades in which civilians have control over the majority of cabinet ministries. GNDEM member People's Alliance for Credible Elections Myanmar (PACE), the country’s largest local observer group, monitored the electoral process before, during and after election day. Continue Reading
Guidance on Election Monitoring During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic poses severe technical, political, and social threats to elections. In light of this situation, GNDEM has developed guidance on activities members could consider for elections that are expected to take place during the public health crisis as well as transparency and accountability efforts that could occur in the time elections are postponed. Continue Reading
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