Tag: Acuerdo de Lima
Comunicado de GNDEM/RedOIE en Solidaridad con Observadores Ciudadanos en Guatemala
El 25 de junio, las y los guatemaltecos asistieron a las urnas a elegir un nuevo presidente, congreso y representantes a nivel local. Observadoras y observadores ciudadanos representando a varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil, incluyendo a la Misión de Observación Electoral - Guatemala (MOE-Gt), Mirador Electoral y la Plataforma de Mujeres Indígenas, monitorearon aspectos clave del proceso pre-electoral y de la jornada electoral. Continue Reading
GNDEM Members Meet in Brussels for the Seventh Annual Implementation Meeting of the DoGP
Representatives from GNDEM members around the world convened in Brussels on November 5-6, 2019 for the Seventh Implementation Meeting of the Declaration of Global Principles (DoGP). Continue Reading
GNDEM Participates in Two Events in Colombo, Sri Lanka
From August 25 to 26, 2018, the GNDEM Coordinating Committee, representing the nine regional networks, met in Colombo, Sri Lanka for the Sixth Implementation Meeting of the Declaration of Global Principles for Nonpartisan Election Observation. The Coordinating Committee discussed recent challenges and opportunities in citizen election observation, and further clarified and refined network priorities and standard operating procedures, including the approval of the first set of GNDEM Protocols. Continue Reading
GNDEM Coordinating Committee Convenes for Fifth DoGP Implementation Meeting

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