GNDEM Coordinating Committee Elects New Board
From June 24 to 26, 2024, GNDEM’s Coordinating Committee, comprised of representatives from GNDEM’s nine regional networks, met in Nairobi, Kenya for the 2024 Strategic Planning and the Implementation Meeting of the Declaration of Global Principles (DoGP) for Nonpartisan Election Observation and Monitoring by Citizen Organizations. At the end of the three-day meeting, the Committee elected the new GNDEM Board for the period 2024-2028.
The new Board will lead the network and work to implement the network’s strategic vision. The new Board is composed of:
- GNDEM Chairperson: Dr. Sarah Bireete (Center for Constitutional Governance Uganda, East and Horn of Africa Election Observer Network)
- Deputy Chairperson: Dr. Zlatko Vujovic (Centre for Monitoring and Research Montenegro, European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations)
- Membership Chairperson: Elberel Davaa (Women for Social Progress Mongolia, Asian Network for Free Elections)
- Board Member: Amer Bani Amer (Al-Hayat Center Jordan, Election Network in the Arab Region)
- Board Member: Ana Mihajlovic (Centre for Free Elections and Democracy Serbia, European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations)
- Board Member: Rindai Vava (Zimbabwe Election Support Network, Electoral Support Network of Southern Africa)
- Board Member: Zofia Lutkiewicz (Political Accountability Foundation Poland, European Platform for Democratic Elections)
GNDEM remains committed to protecting and advancing the rights of observers. The new Board is committed to advancing the network's mission, upholding GNDEM’s core values and principles, and ensuring the protection of observers' rights.